

The arts are a universal language of learning and self expression. In the arts subjects, students learn the skills and discipline of each art form in order to deepen and communicate their understanding of the world. At ISM, our commitment is to enable our students to develop a high level of skill in their chosen art form, an understanding of how the arts create meaning, and a deep appreciation for the arts.

The 21st century requires effective collaborators and communicators, and creative, critical thinkers. For centuries, those skills we now call “21st century skills” have been the core curriculum in the arts. Arts subjects prepare students for much more than playing and composing music, making visual expressions of their world, giving competent presentations, and interpreting the creative work of others. The arts enable students to participate effectively in cultures and economies of the future. In the developed world, universities increasingly prepare graduates to export creative ideas rather than products; in an interdependent global economy, collaboration and communication have become the means that will facilitate sustainability and growth; and on an overpopulated planet with finite resources, problem solving will be the means to our survival in an unknowable future.

The Arts Curriculum at ISM is grounded in
and unified by the US National Core Arts





The Arts program at ISM encompasses the
following disciplines: