Child Protection at ISM


The International School of Myanmar (ISM) acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard and protect all the students under its care from all forms of abuse, harm and maltreatment. Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. This entails:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment;

  • Preventing harm to children’s mental and physical health or development;

  • Ensuring children grow up in a safe environment;

  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Child protection refers to preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children, and forms part of safeguarding and promoting welfare.

Child Protection Policy

ISM has a Child Protection Policy which establishes boundaries, guidelines, and best practices for acceptable behavior at the school in order to prevent abuse and protect the wellbeing of all the students. The guidelines established in the ISM Child Protection Policy apply to all members of the school community and those affiliated with the school, including:

  • Leadership team and administration;

  • Board of Directors;

  • All staff employed by ISM, including but not limited to foreign faculty, local teachers, administrative staff, security staff, drivers, maintenance staff, and cleaning staff;

  • Any outside company employed to work at ISM, including but not limited to outside contractors, cafeteria food groups, and special event presenters;

  • Any outside group volunteering at ISM;

  • The Parent Teacher Association;

  • Parents; guardians, family members; drivers, and helpers of students attending ISM.

  • Any visitors that will have any contact with the students or spend time on the school grounds.

Child Protection Best Practices

All ISM community members are expected to uphold the following child protection best practices to ensure every student feels safe and respected:

  • If you find yourself alone with a student, make sure both you and the student are always visible to others. This could be through your door’s window or with the door entirely opened, or maybe you move to a more public area.

  • Call students by their names rather than any nicknames or pet names, even if the student says they are okay with it. This shows respect, and no matter how professional a nickname might feel it is not appropriate for the workplace. Examples of nicknames or pet names that are commonly used: sweetie, honey, champ, pal, etc.

  • Keep your conversations and language with students professional. For example, telling a student you love them can be just as harmful as telling a student you hate them. Teachers should not be conversing with students as if they’re friends, and conversation topics should follow suit.

  • Be mindful of physical contact. Generally it should be initiated by the student and should never exceed three seconds, sticking to the shoulders, upper back, and arms. If you need to initiate contact with a student, permission should always be asked. For example, if a student is injured and you need to assist them as they walk to the nurse, ask first. “Is it okay if I support your leg as we’re walking?” In some kind of emergency, it is acceptable to touch the student in order to administer first-aid with the intention of helping the student’s health and safety in the presence of other adults and students

Staff Training

All ISM staff undergo child protection training to enable them to recognize the possible signs of maltreatment and to be able to follow the protocol to safeguard all students. Every staff member is required to complete a yearly online training in addition to reading the Child Protection Policy. After both of these have been completed, the staff member may sign the Staff Commitment to Uphold the Child Protection Policy form.

New Staff Recruitment

ISM ensures that all new employees provide evidence of safe practice by providing background checks from every country they have worked in. Also, they should provide contact information of sufficient and relevant references with permission for the school to contact them.

  • Provide evidence of identity and qualifications

  • Provide references from previous jobs

  • Be interviewed, either in person or via video call.

  • Provide police background/ criminal history checks

Reporting Process

If an ISM stakeholder is aware or suspicious of an act of maltreatment against a student, the incident must be reported immediately to their immediate supervisor or counselor, in addition to the Child Protection Officer. Within 24 hours of the verbal report, a formal written report must be submitted.

Child Protection Team – Key Contacts

Child Protection Office/ ES CounselorMr. Kayembi Chilomba:;
HS CounselorMr. Lars Pfannkuchen:;
MS CounselorMr. John-Earle Spence:;
ISM School DoctorDr. Nyan Lynn Maung:
ISM DirectorMr. Ben Marsh:
Human Resources RepresentativeMs. Thin Thin Htay:
Myanmar Language Key ContactMs. Zin Myo Latt @Lydia: